It’s not fun to think about how you might lose friends. But everyone goes through it at some point, even if they don’t want to admit it or act like it doesn’t happen. If you’ve ever wondered why people stop being friends with each other or how it’s possible to lose friends as you get older, here are some possible reasons:
Your values and priorities have changed
Your priorities have changed, and you are not the same person you were five years ago. You might now be a working professional who spends all of their time at the office or a parent with kids. Your day is no longer filled with leisure activities or socializing like it was in college or high school. Instead, you have new hobbies and responsibilities that take up your time and energy. Now, you have different interests and responsibilities that take up your time and energy.

You’ve outgrown the relationship
Sometimes people change, and relationships change over time. You might have had similar interests when you first met, but now that your lives have evolved, your interests are diverging. Or maybe you’re not interested anymore in what they like and vice versa. It happens! The best thing about having friends is that it’s possible to find someone else who shares your passions, even if it means saying goodbye to an old friend in order to make new ones.
You enjoy quality over quantity
It can be difficult to accept that some relationships are more important than others, and this is a sign that you value depth over breadth. While it’s good to have many friends in your life, it is also important to invest in the right ones; these will be the people who are there for you when things get tough and help bring out your best self.
While it might seem like an easy feat to befriend everyone around you, being selective with who you spend your time with will make all the difference when it comes down to those special occasions or moments where having just one friend makes all the difference!

You are making room for new ones that really matter
You are no longer want to be friends with people who don’t share your values, or who aren’t focused on their own personal growth. Instead, you’re more interested in building relationships with those who are supportive and positive. You want to develop deep connections with people who share the same interests as you do and can help each other grow.

As you can see, you may worry that there’s something wrong with you if you find yourself losing friends as you get older, but it may just be that you and your friends are entering different stages of life. They come and go throughout our lives, and it’s important to keep in mind that some of them are only in it for us to teach them something, or perhaps the other way around. Try reaching out and giving each other another chance if you still value and care about them. However, if the friendship has ended for unfavorable reasons. It may be best to move on and appreciate the company of those who have remained.