If you’re in your 20s, welcome to the period of self-discovery! While some people find themselves in their 30s and 40s, others become comfortable with their midlife crises at this time. At any age, however, it’s helpful to read self-help books that offer guidance on how to overcome challenges and grow as a person. Here are some must-read self help books in your 20s:
Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take – Simon Sinek

In this book, Simon Sinek talks about how to inspire people with your actions and how to make sure that the values of your brand are clear. He talks about how important it is to know “why” and how it can help you figure out why people do the things they do.
Sinek says that most leaders tend to focus on “how” rather than “why,” which makes it hard for them to inspire their employees or customers. Instead, he thinks that leaders should start with their purpose so that it resonates with the people around them. This is why Start With Why is a great book for anyone who wants to learn how to better communicate their vision with others.
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck – Book by Mark Manson

Mark Manson penned the self-help book The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. Since its release in 2016, the book has become a best-seller on sites like Amazon.com. As the title suggests, the book is all about improving your life by not giving a f*ck about the kinds of things the author considers to be pointless worries that prevent us from living happy lives.
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment – Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart Tolle’s book The Power of Now is a spiritual self-help book that shows you how to live in the moment. The author, who used to be a professor and spiritual teacher, thinks that the key to happiness is to live in the present moment. He thinks that our lives will be much better if we can learn how to live in the present.

The Power of Now is a book that helps people find their own power and happiness by giving them steps they can take right now. It’s a great book for anyone who wants to learn more about themselves or just feel better about where they are in life.
Ask and It Is Given – Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks
This book is good to read in your 20s if you want to learn how to use the power of the law of attraction to make your goals come true. The authors state that, like a computer network, the universe consists of energy. You, your thoughts, and your emotions all have energy. Positive or negative thoughts determine the quality of your energy, and if you’re thinking negatively more often than positively, you’ll attract negative experiences into your life.

Ask and It is Given is a book is full of simple exercises that let you tap into this powerful universal law so you can bring all the things you want in life, like money, love, and happiness, into your life.
You Are a Badass:How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life – Jen Sincero
If you’re looking for a self-help book that will motivate you to make the most of every aspect of your life, this book is perfect for you. Author and life coach Jen Sincero has penned several books on the topic of doing great things with one’s life. She debuted with the New York Times Best Seller You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life in 2016.

The author wrote the book in a funny way, which makes it more fun to read but doesn’t change its message or power. The main idea of this book is that you should change the way you think about yourself so that you can become more self-confident, accepting, and loving.
Many of these books are geared towards people in their 20s, but there is something for everyone here. If you’re looking for inspiration and motivation, then read Start with Why by Simon Sinek. If you want to learn how to live your best life now, then pick up The Power of Now: A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle. And if your goal is to get over your fears and frustrations so that you can take on the world with confidence? You should definitely read You Are a Badass!
Have you read any books that helped you through a tough time? We want to know!